
Movie Opener Final Draft We changed the background of the credits as well as "24 hours earlier" at the beginning of the robbery. We added come clarification to the part where Kelsey was changing her identity because many people did not understand it very well.

Peer Review

What I liked What confused me Suggestions I liked that it was suspenseful and interesting to watch. I like that the story eventually came together. Originally, I was confused about why there was a video of the plane, but the ending where the character went off walking toward a plane connected everything together.  I was confused during the first few seconds of the opening until I realized the person filming was on a plane. The angle of the plane confused me at first, but I eventually realized what I was looking at.  I thought the plot was really interesting! It could have been a little bit more fluent, but I think it leaves just enough to the audiences imagination. This would definitely be a great opening for a movie.  I liked the opening airplane takeoff. It seemed like a valid video to insert the names of actors. The robbery itself was kind of confusing just because it was too straightforward and everyone was screaming over eachother. Make the robbe...

Rough Cut Movie Opener

Editing Two

We spent our final weeks editing just making some small edits to our film opener. We added things such as transitions, a title, and credits. We also added the music this week which I think was the hardest part. Sarah and I could not get many music clips to upload, so we just used the only ones we could get onto her laptop. Overall I am pleased with the way our rough draft film opening went and am interested to see what other groups will have to say about it.

Editing One

These two weeks went well in editing. We had a few problems though. Our videos did not flow very well together so we had to do a little bit of re-fliming to add to our movie opener. We have yet to put any titles or credits yet, which we plan to do in our next week of filming.

Filming Two

We decided to have our opening scene at the school. This is where we will have the main character get into her car to start driving to the bank. The school is a pretty convenient place to film this part of the opening. We started filming shots that we could use for the credits and title of the film. We thought these would be best with a more plain, aesthetic background instead of the action shots.